A long overdue update

Has it really been 5 years since I last posted an update? Shame on me…

A lot has changed in those 5 years, a breakup with the girlfriend, moved out of my parents house, got a new job in an exciting international company, bought a motorcycle and some electric guitars and started taking guitar lessons, but I haven’t been able to continue on those old electronics projects.

I’ll be blowing more life into this blog with a new and exciting project I’ve started on: building and programming my own quadcopter. And I’ll be adding more personal and increasingly cynical views on the world here too.

You will hear from me again soon!

New blog site

Things are still a bit in construction at the time. I haven’t been able to import the posts from my previous Joomla! installation, although you can still find it at http://www.panic1.be/joomla untouched. I’ll look into getting those articles in here soon.

I’m also having problems with the icons in the edit window, and I’ve seen some graphic errors here and there. Must be something with the themes that went wrong. I’ll look into that too.

* update

I have fixed the graphical errors and the visual editors missing icons by uploading the wordpress sources to my webfolder again, and it works now (after Ctrl-F5). Now I just need to start looking into transferring those posts from Joomla!.

* another update

I have finally found a script to transfer all posts from my old Joomla! installation to this WordPress. The package I found first didn’t work with the 2.3 version of WordPress, so that explains the delay. This new package can be found here (I have also attached the script, README file is included). I haven’t converted the comments, but since they were so little, I won’t bother too much.

Attachment: Joomla2Wordpress

Joomla to WordPress

I’ve been getting annoyed with this Joomla installation more and more lately. So it’s about time to try something else: WordPress. Some friends of mine have been using it for a while, and it seems to be working just fine and it’s looks nice. I’ll be transferring all posrs from here to a fresh wordpress installation in the comming days, so cross your fingers and hope that it won’t break anything.