I have been thinking about changing this site a little. Mainly about the standard template, the lack of nice pictures here and there, and the wiki page. Click “Read more” if you want to know more about these changes.
You might have noticed that I finally changed the top header a little. Well, I’m planning on editing a lot more. Added some nice pictures to go with the news articles.
The wiki page has been bugging me for quite some time. So after a few unsuccesful attemps to install MediaWiki (famous because of the Wikipedia site using that software) on this server, I have finally got it installed. It is far from properly configured: I still need a nice logo to go with that, and I need to find out how to configure it all. But as soon as that MediaWiki is up and configured, it will have to replace the DocuWiki page I am currently using. I will transfer the data in the DocuWiki page myself in due time.
I have also added a new News category: Articles. If any of ours members feel like sharing some of their experiences. Or if I feel like talking, we can use that as a blog space.